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MIRACLE coming , do you believe in miracles?

Webcam is there , MIRACLE coming.

wwwDOTmedjugorjevideo.com/webcam/bigcam.html According to the visionaries, some day a permanent sign will appear on the site of the first apparition. Beautiful and indestructible, the sign will lead to many conversions. Today already a webcam is constantly filming the spot where it is going to be.

But first and foremost it will make many more people believe.

When it comes to apparition experiences, a whole range of alternative explanations are well-known to science. In taking on two among the most obvious – fraud and hallucination – the Croatian psychiatrist Dr. Bartulica concluded in 2006, starting out with his impressions of visionary Vicka Ivankovic when he studied her in the 1980s:

“You have to ask yourself if it is possible that she is deceiving us. The answer is that it might be possible, but if that was the case, all the six seers are capable of this simultaneously for a period of 25 years! That in itself would be a phenomenon! And anyway that cannot be, because it has been established scientifically that their ecstasies are authentic. Besides, there is no such case in the history of psychiatry that six children start simultaneously hallucinating at 6:40 p.m..” , Dr. Bartulica testified.


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