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Cobaltvrije batterijpacks zouden er komen, gaan zelfs tot 2 miljoen km mee...

Tesla en CATL gaan ook cobaltvrije batterijpacks maken die een zeer lange levensduur hebben, daarmee wordt de EV nog veel milieuvriendelijker.



Tesla to get new million-mile battery ready for production at CATL

Fred Lambert - Jun. 8th 2020

CATL announced that it is ready to produce the new million-mile battery and Tesla’s Model 3 made at Gigafactory Shanghai is reportedly going to be first to get the new battery.

Electrek previously revealed that Tesla is working on an internal secret Roadrunner project.

The goal is for Tesla to produce its own battery cells using technologies developed by Tesla’s internal teams, including work from Jeff Dahn’s team in Canada, and new technologies recently acquired through the acquisition of Maxwell, on a massive scale and at a cost below $100 per kWh.

Recently, we reported Tesla has been applying for a lot of intellectual property related to battery cells, like a new electrode for its 1-million-mile battery.

Tesla plans to produce this new million-mile battery itself, but it apparently also plans to have production partners.

Last month, Reuters reported that Tesla is working with CATL to produce a million-mile battery cell in China and that it will first be used in the Model 3 vehicles produced at Gigafactory Shanghai.

Now Bloomberg is out with a similar report corroborating some Reuters’ previous claims.

In an interview, CATL Chairman Zeng Yuqun said that the company is now ready to produce its new million-mile battery cell:

“Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd (CATL) is ready to produce a battery that lasts 16 years and 2 million kilometres (1.24 million miles), chairman Zeng Yuqun said in an interview at company headquarters in Ningde, in southeast China’s Fujian province.”

The chairman added:

“If someone places an order, we are ready to produce,”

However, he didn’t confirm that orders have been placed, but Bloomberg reported that the battery will first end up in Tesla vehicles produced at Gigafactory Shanghai.

The chairman did confirm that he is in constant communication with Tesla and CEO Elon Musk directly:

“Zeng said he often shares insights with Musk, with the two exchanging text messages about developments in technology and business. CATL is strengthening its relationship with Tesla, with matters such as cobalt-free batteries on their agenda, Zeng said.”

Zeng added:

“We’re getting along well and he’s a fun guy. He’s talking about cost all day long, and I’m making sure we have the solutions.”

They didn’t elaborate on the exact timeline of the new batteries being installed in new Tesla vehicles.
Reuters heeft dit al eerder aangekondigd:


MAY 14, 2020 / 2:08 PM / 25 DAYS AGO

Exclusive: Tesla's secret batteries aim to rework the math for electric cars and the grid

Tesla’s plan to launch the new battery first in China and its broader strategy to reposition the company have not previously been reported. Tesla declined to comment.

Tesla’s new batteries will rely on innovations such as low-cobalt and cobalt-free battery chemistries, and the use of chemical additives, materials and coatings that will reduce internal stress and enable batteries to store more energy for longer periods, sources said.

Tesla also plans to implement new high-speed, heavily automated battery manufacturing processes designed to reduce labor costs and increase production in massive “terafactories” about 30 times the size of the company’s sprawling Nevada “gigafactory” — a strategy telegraphed in late April to analysts by Musk.

Tesla is working on recycling and recovery of such expensive metals as nickel, cobalt and lithium, through its Redwood Materials affiliate, as well as new “second life” applications of electric vehicle batteries in grid storage systems, such as the one Tesla built in South Australia in 2017. The automaker also has said it wants to supply electricity to consumers and businesses, but has not provided details.

Reuters reported exclusively in February that Tesla was in advanced talks to use CATL’s lithium iron phosphate batteries, which use no cobalt, the most expensive metal in EV batteries.

CATL also has developed a simpler and less expensive way of packaging battery cells, called cell-to-pack, that eliminates the middle step of bundling cells. Tesla is expected to use the technology to help reduce battery weight and cost.
Wat die "en 16 jaar" in de tekst betekent begrijp ik niet precies, dat zou dan tot 125.000 km per jaar zijn. Dit halen enkel taxi- en autoverhuurmaatschappijen (zoals Tesloop in de USA)

De levensduur van een batterijpack wordt bepaald door het aantal complete laadcyclussen die zullen dan tot 5000 kunnen gaan of 5k*400 km=2 milj km.

Expert Jeff Dahn heeft die 5000 cyclus in sept 2019 al aangetoond:

De restcapaciteit bij einde levensduur - *enkel voor de E-wagen -wordt in de regel bij minstens 70% (#huidige Tesla mod S/X garantie 100 kWh pack) tot *80%? gelegd naargelang grootte van het batterijpack, grotere batterijpacks gaan in de regel sowieso langer mee (of minder volledige laadcyclussen nodig, duurzamer is van ca. 20% - 80% laden).

De recente levenscyclusstudies zullen dan helemaal herberekend worden, want daar gaat men meestal uit van gemiddeld 300.000 km voor een gemiddeld batterijpack met modern temperatuurmanagement. De recentste studie van **Hoekstra juli 2019 ging tot 400.000 km.
* https://www.tijd.be/politiek-economi.../10187192.html
** https://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...42435119302715
# https://electrek.co/2020/02/02/tesla...ranty%20period.

Daarna kunnen die batterijpacks nog altijd lang meegaan voor opslag van hernieuwbare energie (wind en zon), second life genoemd.

Revisie en zeker recyclage is dan voor later, waar vele bedrijven ook al mee bezig zijn, en mee evolueren.

Het Tesla-aandeel stijgt voorlopig met +5,5% vandaag (+$48), naar ca. $934. Zulke nieuwsjes zijn daar niet onschuldig aan.
Dat is niet meer ver van hun recordkoers van $968.

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